How Much Does It Cost to Print 2000 Business Cards?

Find out how much it costs to print 2000 business cards with this expert guide. Learn about paper weight, design options, shapes and other factors that affect the cost.

How Much Does It Cost to Print 2000 Business Cards?

When it comes to printing business cards, the cost can vary depending on the type of paper, design, and other factors. Thicker paper requires more material to manufacture and is more expensive, but it also gives a luxurious feel. It's important to include basic personal details such as name, company, job title, and contact information such as phone number, email, website, and address. Professionals may also include a URL of their profile on a professional networking site.

Having two styles of business cards - one cheap and one expensive - allows you to choose which one to give. The only time you would make a one-sided impression is if cost is an important factor or if you want space to write appointment times on the back. If you want a business card on the thickest paper with a custom shape and design made by an agency, it will cost more. Most business card manufacturers have preset shapes such as coffee cups for cafes, houses for realtors, gears for engineers, and more.

You can also get personalized business cards in wood, plastic, metal and other materials for a unique look. Some paper weights for business cards can reach up to 650 g/m² which is very thick but not cheap. Changing the shape of your business card can also affect the price as most cutting machines are preset to cut rectangles or square shapes. Thanks to a partnership with the Canva design platform, customers can choose from dozens of attractive fonts or combine more than one for a custom business card design.

Whether you're starting with a miniature budget or you're an established company whose cards need renovations, smart design can save you money in the end. A matte coating is soft to the touch and works best on business cards that simply have a logo and text while a glossy coating is best for business cards that have images as it makes colors more vibrant. Paper weight is one of the most important factors in the price of business cards as thicker paper requires more material to be manufactured and therefore costs more to print. So find out where you sit on that spectrum to determine how much you should spend on your business cards. Well-designed business cards are actually billboards that fit in your pocket and everyone else's pocket, turning random contacts into customers, collaborators, suppliers and friends. Just you and the super intuitive tool made for creating business cards with tons of templates to get you started. In conclusion, printing 2000 business cards can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand depending on the type of paper, design, shape and other factors.

Judith Pearson
Judith Pearson

Proud problem solver. Certified social media ninja. Total explorer. Beer advocate. General travel buff.

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